Friday, June 4, 2010


Things are getting better each day. I have slept more the last two nights. This is a huge deal because I love my sleep and only getting about 4 hours of sleep a day was not making me happy. I have had people email, text, call, and personally ask how I was feeling and about the baby.... to which I had to reply with the "not so good" news. I thought that would be hard to address but it wasn't as bad as I had imagined. I have seen pregnant women and newborn babies and that didn't bother me like I thought so over all I feel like I am on the road to getting better. I of course know that it will not always be easy. I will have times that I get upset and I will always mourn the loss of my first child but, I know that I will have a baby one day. Seth also seems to be doing much better. I am so thankful for such an amazing husband. This experience has made us so much closer.
Onto a happier topic....I have officially completed my first year as a teacher!! Woo~Hoo
Today was the last day of school for the kids. It had its emotionally rough moments but I survived. There are many students that I will always remember and miss. I am very thankful for the job that I have and I look forward to next year. Becoming a teacher is the best thing I could have ever done.
Now it's time to enjoy my summer! I just wish that Seth had time off from his job. He would have if he didn't start a new job in March.....but I am thankful for his new job and know that we will just have to plan a VERY nice vacation next year.

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