Friday, June 11, 2010

Summer break has been great so far....although it has seemed to fly by! Last weekend was great. Friday I went out with a great friend for a much needed girls night. I had so much fun. Saturday Seth and I went to the Ranger game with my mom, sister, and Jake. The office that my mom works in gets suite tickets each year so it made it a lot more enjoyable for a 3:00pm game!
We had a great time with some great people! Sunday the whole family went to HF water park. It was nice to actually get out in the sun and enjoy myself. Thankfully we have season passes so we will be there A LOT!
This week has flown by but I have also had a HUGE "TO-DO" list to work on. Nothing major, just cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping. But, it still kept me really busy all week.
Seth and I have decided to do some home repairs this summer....we need to replace some exterior boards, paint, and get new carpet. We are also going to clean out our office and get a new desk. Overall, I just want to get this house ORGANIZED!
So, if you are reading this and know of anyone that does home repairs, paints, or has cheap/nice carpet...LET ME KNOW!

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