Thursday, June 24, 2010


Things have been busy around here..... last week I was busy cleaning, shopping, and getting things ready for Seth's parents to come stay the weekend with us. They were here to celebrate Seth turning 30. We had Seth's birthday party at Fox and Hound Sports Bar. It was so nice to have our friends and family there to celebrate with us.
I can't believe Seth is already 30....I know it's not a big deal to most people, but he was 20 when we met. How did 10 years already pass?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

3 Weeks....

I can't believe that 3 weeks have gone by already. Today was my follow up/ post op appointment. Everything looked good. We had some extra testing done after my D & C to see if there was something wrong that might have caused me to have the miscarriage and all of those test came back normal. This means that I am fine, Seth is fine, and that there were no signs as to why I lost the baby. My doctor said I will be able to start trying again around September. I can not wait for it to be SEPTEMBER! I just hope that I get to feeling better emotionally. Yesterday I cried ALL DAY LONG. I haven't cried that much since all of this happened. I could not turn off the tears. It's just hard for me not to wonder "why me?" My doctor said it was normal to be sad and that I will never get over the loss I have gone through. I just pray that I am pregnant again very soon!! Please continue to keep us in your prayers!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Summer break has been great so far....although it has seemed to fly by! Last weekend was great. Friday I went out with a great friend for a much needed girls night. I had so much fun. Saturday Seth and I went to the Ranger game with my mom, sister, and Jake. The office that my mom works in gets suite tickets each year so it made it a lot more enjoyable for a 3:00pm game!
We had a great time with some great people! Sunday the whole family went to HF water park. It was nice to actually get out in the sun and enjoy myself. Thankfully we have season passes so we will be there A LOT!
This week has flown by but I have also had a HUGE "TO-DO" list to work on. Nothing major, just cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping. But, it still kept me really busy all week.
Seth and I have decided to do some home repairs this summer....we need to replace some exterior boards, paint, and get new carpet. We are also going to clean out our office and get a new desk. Overall, I just want to get this house ORGANIZED!
So, if you are reading this and know of anyone that does home repairs, paints, or has cheap/nice carpet...LET ME KNOW!

Friday, June 4, 2010


Things are getting better each day. I have slept more the last two nights. This is a huge deal because I love my sleep and only getting about 4 hours of sleep a day was not making me happy. I have had people email, text, call, and personally ask how I was feeling and about the baby.... to which I had to reply with the "not so good" news. I thought that would be hard to address but it wasn't as bad as I had imagined. I have seen pregnant women and newborn babies and that didn't bother me like I thought so over all I feel like I am on the road to getting better. I of course know that it will not always be easy. I will have times that I get upset and I will always mourn the loss of my first child but, I know that I will have a baby one day. Seth also seems to be doing much better. I am so thankful for such an amazing husband. This experience has made us so much closer.
Onto a happier topic....I have officially completed my first year as a teacher!! Woo~Hoo
Today was the last day of school for the kids. It had its emotionally rough moments but I survived. There are many students that I will always remember and miss. I am very thankful for the job that I have and I look forward to next year. Becoming a teacher is the best thing I could have ever done.
Now it's time to enjoy my summer! I just wish that Seth had time off from his job. He would have if he didn't start a new job in March.....but I am thankful for his new job and know that we will just have to plan a VERY nice vacation next year.