Sunday, December 26, 2010

Big News!!!

For those of you who haven't heard the news yet....I am PREGNANT! Seth and I found out on November 2nd that I was pregnant again. I must say that I am very thankful that it happened so quickly. December 20th was my due date from my last pregnancy and I was praying that I would be pregnant again before that day. I know it sounds odd, but I thought it would make that day a bit easier. December 20th was a rough day but I am very thankful for this pregnancy. My due date is July 8, 2011. Today I am 13 weeks and 2 days along. It has really seemed to fly by! We have had several doctors appointments and 3 sonograms. So far everything looks perfect! We go back on January 6th for another sonogram. I will be a day shy of 14 weeks. I have heard that there may be a chance we could find out the gender at this appointment, especially if it's a boy. If we don't find out then I think it will be early February when we find out. I am ready to find out so I can shop! We don't care what we are having as long as it's healthy! Seth has been so great during this pregnancy. He has put up with me worrying about every little thing. I am so blessed to have such an amazing husband. I hope to find the time to update this blog a bit more..... although I have said that SO MANY TIMES OVER THE LAST SIX MONTHS! It is really hard to update when I am working such long hours. I don't even think about sitting down a the computer when I leave work.
I hope that everyone had a great Christmas. Seth and I were blessed to spend lots of time with family and we got lots of great gifts!!