Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sunday is my day.....

Ok...I am so annoyed with this blog! I have been attempting to post and it's not working.
So, lets try again.....3rd times a charm????

Sundays are the day that my pregnancy week ends...so Sunday I was officially 7 weeks along. I know this thanks to my favorite iPhone App, "What to Expect When Expecting." This is the greatest App ever. It gives me info about what is going on with our baby and with my body. I love it!! I also love www.babycenter.com This site sends me weekly updates with information. This week I got an email telling me "Things that are UNSAFE during pregnancy!" This is so helpful seeing how my doctor was too excited about the sonogram to sit and go over things NOT TO DO! Don't get me wrong I love having a doctor that is truly excited that I am pregnant after everything that happened earlier in the year.

Now an update on baby bean Herrick..... This week the baby is 0.5 inches or the size of a Raspberry, this is up from last weeks blueberry. This week the eyes, ears, and nose are starting to take shape. Also, the fingers and toes are starting to take shape and no longer look web-like! High Five to real fingers!! Woo~Hoo

Update on Seth: I can tell that he is very stressed out but that may also have something to do with his new job. I am sure it hasn't fully set in with him that he is going to be a daddy. It may take him seeing the baby to fully fall in love. But, I know he will be a GREAT daddy and I can't wait to enjoy this journey with him!

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