Thursday, April 22, 2010


I have been thinking about starting a blog for a couple of months now. My original plan was to start a blog to track our progress with fertility. I thought that it may make the process a bit easier if I put my thoughts down for me to read later. I had been having some "female" issues and in February we found out that I wasn't ovulating. After many talks we decided that we would try one round of Clomid before we contacted a fertility specialist. I went to my OB-GYN on Monday April 12th and she gave me my prescription of Clomid. Seth and I decided that we would probably wait until June to start it. Well, God obviously had a different plan for us because on Friday April 16th I found out that I am pregnant. I had been sick for several weeks but never thought that it could be that I was pregnant. After you are told by a DOCTOR that you need help conceiving, you just believe them. Anyways, last week I came home and took a nap every day (that should have been my clue there) and EVERYTHING made me cry. Happy, Sad, didn't matter, I was crying. Even then, I thought nothing of it. But, when I went to get towels out of the dryer and realized that when I applied a lil' pressure to my "chest" area it hurt like no pain I had ever felt....I realized, "I MIGHT BE PREGNANT!"
Friday morning I took a test at 5am, noon, 10pm....all of them were positive. (I guess you could say I didn't believe it) Thankfully I was able to get into my doctors office for blood work and that came back Monday. Everything looked normal.
I am still in shock at the thought that I am really going to be a mother. I have prayed for this for so long. I can not wait! Thanks to everyone that kept us in their Prayers. It means so much to us.

1 comment:

  1. I am so very excited and proud for you both. Yall will be awesome parents and what will we do with your mother???? LOL
    Congrats and I love you both
    Aunt Tammy
